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    Fitness:5 misconceptions

    Fitness : 5 idées reçues - Strakk

    Strength training builds muscles

    Contrary to popular belief, weight training doesn't necessarily lead to overly swollen muscles. It can be practiced by anyone and offers multiple benefits. Indeed, building muscle allows you to gain strength, improve performance and obtain a firmer and more toned body while reducing the risk of injury.

    If you want to build your muscles without necessarily gaining a lot of mass, opt for weight training exercises. This type of training will allow you to improve the explosiveness of your muscles by increasing the speed of your muscle contractions. Thus, you will gain in power and tone and your silhouette will be both drawn and fit without looking bloated.

    Too old to play sports

    We sometimes hear that from a certain age it is not recommended to play sports. However, to stay in good health, it is on the contrary advisable to practice at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day regardless of the age.For this, you simply have to exercise a sport in line with your abilities. Fitness brings together a wide variety of disciplines so you should easily find one that suits you!

    Of course, remember that physical activity does not necessarily require high intensity exertion. There are several gentle practices such as yoga, Pilates or even stretching which are more oriented towards flexibility and stretching.

    You have to have a sports routine

    For many people, having a regular and well-defined exercise routine is important. Of course, this can be an advantage in terms of organization, but it can also quickly become a brake on your motivation and the development of your performance.This is because if you do the same exercises over and over again, you may get bored and your body may get used to them and better and better control the difficulty of your workouts.

    To avoid stagnating and falling into a too monotonous routine, consider changing your sessions regularly and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. If you want to optimize your training, you have to disrupt your body and look for difficulty. Your body must be put under a condition of stress and work at each of your sessions if you want to continue to progress.We recommend that you change your routine every 6 weeks, for example by simply changing the exercises or increasing their intensity.

    On the other hand, consider alternating between cardio sessions and muscle building sessions to work on different aspects of fitness.

    You need to train every day to get better results

    Many people tend to believe that working out every day leads to better results faster. However, this is a misconception completely and it is not recommended to train every day. When you participate in physical activity, your muscles tire and need time to rest to rebuild and recover.

    You should therefore allow at least 24 hours of rest between each workout to give your body time to recover from your session. If you don't stick to this rhythm, you increase the risk of injury. On the other hand, exercising too much intensity would even accelerate the aging effect on our body by prematurely oxidizing our cells.

    So be careful to stay tuned to your body and its needs in order to progress at the right pace and obtain visible results.

    Work your abs to have a flat stomach

    If you want to tone your belly, abdominal exercises such as crunches, knee raises or even sit ups are very often recommended. However, these exercises only work the superficial muscles of the abdominal belt. All the efforts you put into performing these exercises will therefore be ineffective if you do not also perform sessions aimed at working your deep muscles. It is therefore imperative to add core exercises or Pilates sequences to your sports routine, which will allow your muscles to work in depth. Thanks to these exercises, you will be able to tighten your abdominal belt and thus obtain a harmonious and toned silhouette.

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